Quality Meats from Southern Maryland Farms

We represent about 60 regional member farms who all hold the same values:
raising animals the way they were meant to live, with pasture access and no added hormones or antibiotics.

Our Standards

Find A Farm

Working together, we aim to create a local food economy the way it used to be 100 years ago- with fresh naturally raised meats from farmers you can trust.

Use our directory to find farm products near you: fresh meats, meat shares, charcuterie, grass-fed or organic meats, and other products. Buy direct or find your nearest retail stores.

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For Farmers

The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) offers resources, tools, shared community equipment, and support for farmers.

We provide training, increase your marketing reach, and we even have a youth program.

Find Resources

Information & Outreach

Promoting our local farms and agricultural awareness, we support these publications and libraries for the public:

New: SMM's Signature Book

'Taking Stock'

The Faces and Stories of Southern Maryland Meats

Featuring photography by Lena McBean of Remsberg, Inc., and written by SMADC's Craig Sewell

SMADC is proud to release 'Taking Stock,'' a beautifully bound coffee table book featuring the stories and faces of Southern Maryland Meats. Filled with outstanding photography, Taking Stock documents the lives and livelihoods of our local farmers, capturing a way of life.

Books are $35 each.

Order the Book

Cover of the book 'Taking Stock', stories of Southern Maryland Farms
Southern Maryland Meats Little Free Libraries

Promoting Agriculture & Reading

Little Free Libraries

These SMM-branded free lending library boxes are located all around our region.

Promoting Southern Maryland Meats livestock producers in a fun and engaging way, each library provides free reading materials for the community to borrow. Through this program we hope to encourage awareness of the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives. One book example: The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin who is most known for her inventions of groundbreaking improvements for farms around the globe.

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Copyright © Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission

Photography by Remsberg, Inc. | Site designed by: Emphasis Creative